Sunday, August 22, 2010

Reality Check: We’re at WAR

For the past few days, I’ve gone through dozens of ideas for my next post. All of them, however, have been overshadowed by the recent death of a soldier from Shane’s unit which I found out about first thing this morning. Out of respect, I don’t want to mention his name and I can’t give details, but the short of it is, it has hit very close to home. Not only was he a friend of Shane who used to come over our house, but he was also in the same vehicle as Shane on this given mission.

This is the first casualty of war for his unit since Shane deployed. War has never felt so real until now. Sometimes I forget- between seeing Shane’s face on skype at least once a week and talking to him on gchat pretty often- that this is a fucking war and people are being killed everyday.

I don’t believe in God. I never did. However, I do believe there’s something out there though- for Shane to have left the building just in time on November 5, 2009 and to have been okay after this recent tragedy. I don’t know what to call it, but the universe is working in ways to ensure our happily ever after.

My mind is so all over the place I think I’ll just end here. I mean, what can you say when bad things happen? Just have to be grateful for the things you have and move on, knowing that time will lessen the pain.

This too shall pass.


  1. I love you!!!!!!! This will pass and you are one of the strongest women I know.


    p.s. I still remember when Erin used that line on a note she gave to you a few years back. It's a good one.

  2. Mel, remember when you wrote this down for me? I wasn't going through anything close to this- but its a constant reminder that there are people out there rooting for me no matter what, just as people are doing that for you. I'm sorry all this shit is happening, but I am so glad to hear you have contact with Shane and that he is alright. Love you always!


  3. Rachel, that's exactly what I was thinking when I typed that. And thank you for your continued support.

    Brittany, I also thought of you once telling me you wanted that tattooed. Want to get matching ones? Lol. Thank you for being there as well.

    Love you guys!

  4. Hey Mel
    I do agree with you that there is something out there--a higher power---. You have to hang on to that to get you through to Sept.5th and then keep hangin' on until Shane is outta Afghanland and back in your loving arms. I am here for you always!!! Love you broken to pieces!!!

  5. Mel,
    I have been praying all along for Shane(and you)& that will continue obviously. There is a God & I agree, He has plans to keep Shane safe- the proof started with Fort Hood. Stay strong for Shane he will need your support after this more than tragic event. I hate war, but this war was never necessary. We will all pray you through the strength & encouragement you also desperately need. Here's a BIG HUG! Love You- You are brave Mel Love, Aunt Diane
